Monday, March 11, 2013

Inexpensive Easter Crafts

So today I figured I'd write about the crafts I did yesterday. Partially because they were very simple and were the beginning of my Easter decorating (I know I'm starting very late) but mainly because I'm having minor outpatient surgery today and I'm not allowed to eat or drink anything this morning, and I'm VERY thirsty. So I figured that sitting in front of the computer typing would be a way to get my mind of my thirst- or at least get me to stay out of the kitchen.

Anyway, yesterday I did two of the simplest Easter crafts ever thought up. I made an egg tree and string eggs. I liked both of these "crafts" because they were quick and simple and used only materials I had already lying around.

I did the string eggs first. If you've never made them before, all you need is a few small balloons, Elmer's glue, and assorted colors of yarn. Start out by blowing up some small balloons. Mine were 7" balloons, and I feel that they were too large. You can't use a large balloon and just put a little bit of air in it because it won't make the right shape. Once your balloons are blown up, cut of a piece of yarn whatever length you want to use. Mine were about 6 ft long, but you'll need to adjust that if your balloons are blown to a different size. Next, squeeze a blob of Elmer's glue into a small bowl (I used a dip cup) and push the entire length of yarn into the bowl, being careful to keep track of one of the ends. You want to make sure that all of the yarn is at least mostly coated in glue, adding more glue if necessary. Then simply pull the yarn out of the glue, running it between your thumb and index finger to squeeze out any excess glue. Wind it around the balloon as you pull it from the bowl. When you get to the end, try to make sure that it touches another piece. Let dry overnight, then pop the balloons. You may want to make several holes in the balloons or even cut off the knot to make them deflate more quickly.

The egg tree was even simpler. I just went into the back yard and cut some small branches off the trees. Then I put them in a vase and trimmed them so that they weren't SO big and wild looking. I threaded ribbon through the holes in the plastic eggs and hung them on the branches. This was pretty fun because my son helped me hang them, and since he's not quite 2 yrs old, he had difficulty. It was cute.

More cheap and easy Easter decor to come!

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