Saturday, March 9, 2013

Why I started my blog

When blogging first became popular, my thought was WHY?!? After all of things you have to cram into the day, why would anyone want to spend their extra time writing down their thoughts for all the world to see? And who, after a busy day at the office, has the motivation to write a blog instead of just crashing on the couch in front of the TV? Also, who reads all of these blogs?

Well, after a year of being a stay-at-home mom, I finally have my answer. Not THE answer, just mine personally. I'm not starting this blog because I suddenly find myself overcome with motivation, but because I have very little motivation and an overabundance of time. Its easy sink into the TV trap, but much harder to yank yourself back away from it. I used to have things to talk about - now my husband comes home and tells me about what he did at work, and I want to have fun stories too, but I don't. I have nothing exciting to say about the laundry, the dishes, or whatever DVDs I watched that day (We don't have cable), and since I quit working, I no longer have stories involving other people. I haven't been motivated to try new recipes, make crafts, or find activities to do with my son. So... the blog. I already established that I have nothing to talk about, so if I'm going to write a blog, I'm going to have to find things to DO so that I have things to talk about. I'd like to use this blog to talk about recipes and baking, crafts for kids (and some for adults), holiday how-to's, and other things of that sort, however, we'll see how it goes...

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